Welcome To Boy's Own
Some 30 years young… a tale of amazing parties, stunning records, football, and strong looks. Boy’s Own started during the last time Britain was ruled by a woman prime minister.
Since the digital arena has not passed us by, and most of us have smartphones with one notable exception, we thought we should have a go at this Interweb thing. So, please expect over the coming months poorly written articles, musings on the state of Donald Trump’s combover, and actually some superbly written articles by people who went to proper universities and art schools.
Please don’t misunderstand us; we do have day jobs and postings might be infrequent. If you’re into social media you can find out when any new stuff is up by looking at our Facebook or Instagram, Please be sure to sign up to our newsletter for lots of new happenings.
A selection of tunes found on collectioN 2, ALL rolled in to a playlist for your listening pleasure